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发布日期:2023-09-26 浏览次数: 3482









095132 资源利用与植物保护





2022.07 - 至今 中国科学院雄安创新研究院,副研究员;

2021.07 - 2022.06 天津市滨海新区环境创新研究院,高级工程师;

2017.07 - 2021.06 南开大学,环境科学与工程学院,博士后/助理研究员;

2015.05 - 2015.11 丹麦技术大学,联合培养博士生;

2011.09 - 2017.06 中国科学院过程工程研究所,环境工程博士;

2007.09 - 2011.06 青岛大学,化学工程学士。



[1] 主持 国家自然科学基金 “基于Mn掺杂MIL-MOFs的穿透式生物电芬顿强化降解选矿废水中有机残余物的机理研究”( 52204188);

[2] 主持 博士后面上项目“基于石墨烯包覆合金类催化剂的生物电芬顿除氰机理及氧还原过程控制研究”( 2020M680864);

[3] 主持 南开大学基础科研业务费“活性炭活化过硫酸盐在除氰中的作用机理与调控研究”( 63201122);

[4] 主持 横向课题“基于生态城市建设的水环境综合治理研究—河湖清淤及处理技术设计研究”(KY2019-ZD-03-06-2021);

[6] 参与 国家重点实验室开放基金“微生物燃料电池在河道污染治理中的应用研究”(IWHR-SKL-KF201806);

[7] 参与 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)重点项目“贵金属化工生产过程重金属污染控制与资源化技术”(No.2013AA065703)。




[1] Covalently-bonded quaternized activated carbon for selective removal of NO3 in capacitive deionization [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021,425,130573.

[2] Leaf-like carbon frameworks dotted with carbon nanotubes and cobalt nanoparticles as robust catalyst for oxygen reduction in microbial fuel cell. Journal of Power Sources,2021,482, 229042.

[3] Improvement of oxygen reduction capacity by activated carbon doped with broccoli-like Co-Ni2P in microbial fuel cells. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020,399, 125601.

[4] Hierarchically porous N-doped carbon encapsulating CoO/MgO as superior cathode catalyst for microbial fuel cell. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 385,123861.

[5] Single iron atoms anchored on activated carbon as active centres for highly efficient oxygen reduction reaction in air-cathode microbial fuel cell. Journal of Power Sources,2020, 450, 227683.

[6] Zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 derived two-dimensional N-doped amorphous mesoporous carbon nanosheets for efficient capacitive deionization. Electrochimica Acta,2020, 329, 135089.

[7] Porous carbon codoped with inherent nitrogen and externally embedded cobalt nanoparticles as a high-performance cathode catalyst for microbial fuel cells. Applied Surface Science,2020, 505, 144547.

[8] A novel asymmetric activated carbon electrode doped with metal-organic frameworks for high desalination performance. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2020, 24:687-697.

[9] Nitrogenous mesoporous carbon coated with Co/Cu nanoparticles modified activated carbon as air cathode catalyst for microbial fuel cell.Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry,2020, 860, 113904.

[10] Activated carbon-supported multi-doped graphene as high-efficient catalyst to modify air cathode in microbial fuel cells [J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 304, 360-369

[11] Characterization of elemental sulfur in chalcopyrite leach residues using simultaneous thermal analysis [J].Hydrometallurgy, 2019, 188, 22-30.

[12] Core-Shell Heterostructured CuFe@ NiFe Prussian Blue Analogue as A Novel Electrode Material for High-Capacity and Stable Capacitive Deionization [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A.,2019, 7, 10464-10474.

[13] Nitrogen-rich mesoporous carbons derived from zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 for efficient capacitive deionization. Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 321, 134665.

[14] Different crystallographic sodium manganese oxides for capacitive deionization: performance comparison and the associated mechanism. Environmental Science Nano.2019, 6, 3091-3101.

[15] Nanorod CoFe2O4 modified activated carbon as an efficient electrocatalyst to improve the performance of air cathode microbial fuel cell [J]. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 2019, 840, 134-143.

[16] The exceptional performance of polyhedral porous carbon embedded nitrogen-doped carbon networks as cathode catalyst in microbial fuel cells.Journal of Power Sources,2019, 442, 227229.

[17] Boosted activity of graphene encapsulated CoFe alloys by blending with activated carbon for oxygen reduction reaction [J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2018, 117, 802-809

[18] Separation of chalcopyrite and pyrite from a copper tailing by ammonium humate [J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2018,26(9):1814-1821.

[19] Comprehensive recovery of metals from cyanidation tailing [J]. Minerals Engineering, 2015,70(70), 141-147.

[20]氰化尾渣中有价元素回收现状与展望[J]. 化工学报, 2016, 67 (4):1079-1089.








[6]一种感潮河道净化处理系统. 第4作者,专利号:ZL202122143618.1.

[7]一种石化工业废水脱盐处理装置. 专利号:ZL202220432247.0.



有色金属矿开采流域重金属污染状况调查与评价—以乐安河流域(德兴段)为例. 北京:中国环境出版集团,2022.



中国科学院科技促进发展奖一等奖, 2016.

雄安新区雄才卡A卡 2023